ModernEstatePlanning LLC
Estate Planning for Modern Times
Affordable Wills
I believe that everyone should have a Will. Many people think that it is too expensive to see an attorney, so they hand write a note or use a blank form they found online, and think is enough. Florida is very specific on what the Courts can accept as a Will and one wrong signature or incorrect phrase can invalidate a Will or change the intention of the Testator. I offer an affordable solution for those who think they don't have enough assets to justify paying for an Attorney. For $200.00 I will prepare a Will naming 1-3 beneficiaries to receive equal shares of your Estate. You also will need to name who you chose for a Personal Representative (the person given the authority and responsibility to transfer your assets to your beneficiaries after you pass). You will receive a detailed letter spelling out how to execute the Will and where the witnesses and Notary must sign to ensure the Will is Valid. Fill out the Online Will Form bellow and I will prepare the Will. The Will can be emailed or mailed to you but does not include an office visit to execute the Will.